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  • The Pit Road Post was created by and is blogged by Keith & Chuck. And, yes that is us in the picture above. We make no warranty as to the validity of any claims regarding any information posted on this site due to the satirical nature of some of the postings which may be found on the Pit Road Post. Blah Blah Blah...

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  • Welcome to the Pit Road Post, an inside, outside, whatever side you want to look at NASCAR. Please join us in making this blog fun, entertaining and informative while maybe not being so serious all of the time. We welcome your comments, opinions and feedback so please tell us what you think & now Let's Git er Done.

« We Want to Race the Truck! | Main | Old-school NASCAR is back! »

March 28, 2006



I care! I am so mad that I can't see straight. They have a website and it gives you a link to voice your opinion. I did should everyone else!

We have to protect our sport. Everyone that has ever complained that Nascar is becoming TOO mainstream and PC should take action.

The silent majority must speak.

Sorry to get on my soap box...I am just mad.

Clance McClannahan

AWWWW SHIT!! I better go voice my complaint against morality...

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